Yankee Genealogical Society
Researching New England,
New York, Pennsylvania,
New Jersey & Delaware
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Saturday, September 28
Colonial Research at the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS).  (YGS quarterly meeting)
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Mississippi Room, MGC
MNHS librarians will introduce the rich resources for colonial family research.

MGS North Star Conference
Friday, October 25 through Saturday, October 26
MGS North Star Conference  (MGS events)
9:00 am
Eagan Community Center
Unlocking the Past, Shaping the Future

The Land in Family History
Saturday, November 23
The Land in Family History  (YGS quarterly meeting)
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mississippi Room, MGC
Jay Fonkert, CG®, “GeoGenealogy: Maps and Yankee Midwest Migrations.”
Shirleen Hoffman, “Finding Land Records on FamilySearch”
Bring your own lunch. Drinks, a colonial accompaniment and cookies will be provided.