Yankee Genealogical Society
Researching New England,
New York, Pennsylvania,
New Jersey & Delaware

Volunteer on the Yankee team!

The Yankee Genealogical Society is a 100% volunteer organization!

We are grateful for the many volunteers who keep YGS running. They serve on the Board, help at events, contribute to and publish our newsletter, and keep our website fresh and active.
the quill logo of the Yankee Genealogical Society
Here are some ways you can help your society grow:
  • Publicity.
    November 2020 is the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Mayflower, an ideal time to make the resources of the Yankee group known to New England researchers. If you would like to post our events, write, create a display, or find new ways to make our name known, consider helping with publicity.
  • Blogging.
    Have you had the urge to blog about Yankee interests, finds, travel for research, or member and society activities?
    This would be an excellent way to contribute to our website.
  • Resources.
    Work with the MGS Library Committee to keep our Yankee collection up-to-date. Improve the Yankee Pathfinder, an interactive tool on our site, as research needs and record availability change.
  • Newsletter.
    Contribute news items, short book reviews, or short articles on newly-available sources, research tips, and how-to methods.
    We especially like sources that are free and available to all, on the web or at the library.
  • State and regional research.
    Each Yankee time period and state has a unique set of records, archival resources, and methodology. Add to and improve our Links page categories with your favorite state or time period (Colonial, Revolutionary era, Early Federal, migration trails to the West).
  • Presentations.
    Do you feel passionate about an aspect of genealogy which you'd like to share with fellow researchers? Consider giving a presentation at one of our meetings. We're an informal group of members who love to learn and participate. You need not be an expert! 
Other ideas? Let us know! The best way to learn, meet your fellow Yankee researchers, and have fun too, is by getting involved in the work of your society! Contact info@yankeegs.org for more information or to volunteer.